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Identifying cerebral palsy in newborns

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2021 | Birth Injuries |

The birth of a newborn can be a joyous time in the lives of Pennsylvania parents. While they may have worries and fears about caring for their new children, many experience happiness and health as they work toward the future with their families. Some, though, discover health problems that may have impacted their babies since birth.

Birth injuries are medical problems that happen when babies are born. They can result from mistakes made during the labor and delivery processes. Some birth injuries occur during emergencies. Others result from medical negligence.

One long-term health problem that can happen when negligence causes a birth injury is cerebral palsy. This post will discuss cerebral palsy and signs that a child may have it. No part of this post should be read as medical or legal advice. Concerns about the legal ramifications of birth injuries should be discussed with dedicated Pennsylvania medical malpractice attorneys.

Signs of cerebral palsy in children

Cerebral palsy is a serious medical condition. It can cause a wide range of symptoms, including but not limited to delays in meeting developmental milestones; muscle weakness or lack of use; and problems with coordination. Not all children with cerebral palsy, however, end up disabled, and there are treatment options for children who are afflicted by this condition.

How negligence can cause cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is often caused by brain injury and lack of oxygen to the brain. These difficult complications can arise when doctors fail to monitor their patients for medical problems, or when they cause injury to babies during the delivery process. For example, the improper use of forceps may cause an injury to the head and neck of a baby that could develop into cerebral palsy.

It is important that readers understand that every birth injury case is different. Not all medical conditions present at a child’s birth will be from birth injuries as birth defects afflict a number of kids every year. It is important that parents discuss their birth injury and medical malpractice claims with attorneys who work in this area of the law for case-specific guidance.