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Surgeon burnout may lead to increased risk of surgical error

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2021 | Medical Malpractice |

Surgeons have the power to change the course of individual’s lives for the better, but they also have the power to cause enormous harm. That’s why their undivided attention has to be given to each and every patient with whom they come into contact. That might sound like an obvious statement, but the fact of the matter is that surgical errors occur more common than many people think. One reason for surgical error could be surprising to you.

Surgeon burnout

Burnout is real in every profession. The medical field is no different. In fact, one study found that as many as 52% percent of surgeons experience burnout. There can be a lot of reasons for burnout. While some of them are personal in nature, such as having children, others are professional. An increase in the number of nights that a surgeon has to work on call can lead to burnout, and so, too, can longer hours and an extended period of time in the profession. The implementation of electronic medical records has also compounded some frustrations for surgeons, leading to higher rates of burnout.

The effects of burnout

Burnout can affect a surgeon in a number of ways. It can lead to decreased attention, irritability, fatigue, depression, job dissatisfaction, and overall poor performance. This in concerning given that these effects can lead to a major surgical error that can leave a patient with a worsened medical condition, new injuries, disabled, or dead. These outcomes are unacceptable, which is why negligent medical professionals need to be held accountable regardless why the cause of their medical error.

Hold errant medical professionals accountable

Medical professionals have a heavy responsibility, but they are expected to live up to certain standards. When they fail to do so and injuries result, then it’s probably time to take legal action. If you or a loved one is in that position now, then you may want to discuss your case with a legal professional who will know how to aggressively advocate on your behalf in an attempt to impose liability and recover compensation for the damages you or your loved one has suffered.