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The Keys To A Successful Malpractice Claim

Medical malpractice cases are usually much more complex than other personal injury claims. At NOW Law, we want to help you understand what your case needs to give you the best chance at a successful outcome.

What You Need

A successful medical malpractice case rests on three factors:

  • Liability: You must be able to prove that a doctor, nurse or health care provider acted negligently or recklessly in causing your injuries. For example, your surgeon accidentally left a piece of surgical equipment inside your body cavity, causing a serious infection that required additional treatment.
  • Causation: There must be a link between that reckless or negligent act and your injuries. For example, your doctor making a misdiagnosis means your cancer went undiagnosed and untreated for longer than it should have.
  • Damages: Medical malpractice cases typically need to have substantial damages, because a successful case usually requires investing in expert testimony and witnesses. Many times, it may be smarter to not take legal action if insurance will cover any injuries.

What You Should Not Do

There are far too many times where people make avoidable mistakes that jeopardize their cases. You should never:

  • Talk to the insurance company or a risk manager: Do not release your records, do not sign anything and do not answer questions about your case. Politely refer them to your attorney.
  • Post on social media about your injuries: Just like when speaking to insurance adjusters, pictures and comments on social media can be twisted to make it appear as though your injuries are not serious.
  • Wait too long to take action: In most medical malpractice cases, there is a statute of limitations of two years in Pennsylvania. Consult an attorney as soon as you suspect medical malpractice has taken place.

Learn More At A Free Consultation With An Experienced Lawyer

As soon as you suspect medical malpractice occurred, contact NOW Law as soon as possible. We never charge for initial consultations, and you will never owe any fees until and unless we recover compensation on your behalf. Call us today in Mechanicsburg at 717-541-9205 or 717-541-9205 .