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Representation For Hypoxia And Asphyxia Injury Claims

Hypoxia and asphyxia occur when a baby is not getting enough oxygen to the brain before or during delivery. This condition, also known as hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, can lead to death or severe and irreversible mental and physical disabilities requiring costly treatment, rehabilitation and equipment for your child’s entire life.

Regrettably and sometimes far too often, permanent brain damage to your child from deprivation of oxygen before, during or immediately after delivery can be due to a physician’s or other health care provider’s negligence or mistake.

At NOW Law, our attorneys have extensive experience handling birth injury cases. If your child has suffered brain damage as a result of medical negligence, we want to help.

Talk To NOW Law Today

It is important to explore your legal options before signing any agreements with the insurance company or giving up any of your rights. There is no risk and no obligation to scheduling a free consultation with our lawyers at NOW Law. Additionally, you will not owe any fees unless we secure compensation on your behalf. To learn more, call our offices at 717-541-9205 or 717-541-9205 .