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C-Section Mistakes And Your Rights

A cesarean delivery (C-section) is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby under special circumstances. During labor and delivery, conditions can change quickly. To ensure the well-being of both mother and baby in the event of a C-section, physicians and other health care providers must be alert to potential reasons for C-section and timely response.

Delayed C-sections often occur when a physician or other medical provider fails to notice that the baby is in distress, or does not adequately monitor either the mother or her baby during the later stages of pregnancy and labor. When C-section mistakes occur, the results can be catastrophic.

If a C-section is not performed in a timely manner, it can result in oxygen deprivation for the baby, causing permanent and irreversible brain damage or even death.

Call NOW Law Today

There is no substitute for experience in these complex cases. Our attorneys are committed to helping parents whose children were injured as a result of preventable C-section mistakes. We understand how devastating injuries to a child can be, and we use the full experience and skills of our firm to help those in need.

To learn more, schedule your free consultation today. You will never owe any attorney fees unless and until we secure the compensation you deserve. Call our offices today at 717-541-9205 or 717-541-9205 .